Live Wonder Freely was created to encourage women to live their dream life. We are a community passionate about making our dreams come true, sharing knowledge, and uplifting one another in the process.


There are experiences in life that remind us of how short and precious life can be. Living our lives to the fullest, going after our dreams, and enjoying life is important. This is our one life, and we want to make it one that reflects who we are, what we stand for, and what we want to contribute to the world.


Life experiences allow us to discover more about ourselves, what we enjoy, and what makes us feel alive. Whether we are exploring new ventures or diving deep into the passions we have always had, we can gain clarity, learn, and grow as we move forward. Having a curious spirit and growth mindset helps us to reach our goals.


There can be many roadblocks to reaching our dreams. One of these is the limiting beliefs that can come from the world around us and especially those from ourselves. Live Wonder Freely is about challenging these thoughts and freeing ourselves so we can create and live the life we truly desire.


Hello, my name is Megan Momo. I founded Live Wonder Freely in 2019 inspired by my European backpacking journey through 15 countries. I have always believed women are capable of anything we set our minds to and work towards. The journey towards bringing a dream to fruition is not always easy, but I have learned through my ventures that it is all part of the process. I believe each of us has something we can offer the world, and I hope the stories you find here will inspire you to live the life of your dreams.


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